8' x 10' Merchandise Display Shelf
If your exhibiting needs require shelving or merchandising to display products, we've got the right merchandise display exhibits for you. Check these out or contact us to learn more about our portable merchandise displays. An exhibitor that has an 8’ booth and needs to display product or merchandise at a trade show, is faced with a challenge. Most merchandising and product trade show booths are larger than 8’. However, Godfrey Group offers several 8’ shelving displays that will allow you to display bold graphics while also displaying a substantial amount of products. The OutRigger shelving display offers the most shelving capacity among portable trade show displays. This exhibit back wall can support 75 pounds per shelf, has a large graphic, backlit header, and still packs down to portable shipping cases that the exhibitor can wheel into the convention center on their own. There are options to light the shelves on the OutRigger and to upgrade the shelves to a laminate color of your choice from the basic black or white shelves that are standard with the unit.